- Everything You Need To Know About The Health Benefits of CBD Oil. - Everything You Need To Know About The Health Benefits of CBD Oil. - Everything You Need To Know About The Health Benefits of CBD Oil.

CBD is made from Cannabidiol (CBD), the non-psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. It is an ingredient in cannabis that relieves pain and fights inflammation along with a slew of other miraculous benefits.

CBD has been called "Nature's Oxycontin" because it quickly relieves even the most agonizing pain and reduces inflammation allowing the body to finally heal.

CBD has now been clinically proven to:

- Reduce pain by binding to CB1 receptors while reducing swelling

- Reduce social anxiety

- Combat neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer's by removing plaque that block neuron-signaling

- Improves sleep quality and restore respiratory stability to those experiencing sleep Apnea

- Clears acne by inhibiting lipid synthesis on the skin

- Regulates blood sugar and lowers insulin resistance

- Provide relief to those suffering from IBD (Crohn's or Colitis) through it's anti-inflammatory effects

- Improves symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis) by providing durable protection to neurons

- Prevents obesity and much, much more!